For a short yet thoughtful article on volunteering with CoSA, read John Yoder's article
"My Experience in CoSA" as published the April 2016 Micah Newsletter.
Helping pays off: People who care for others live longer


  1. You will learn many things about those who are on the margins of our community and about yourself. You will learn what our community has to offer, and about gaps in service which need addressing.
  2. You will gain skills in relationship building, in listening, in finding resources in our communities, in filling in gaps only caring citizens can do, and many other things.
  3. Most of all you will make a difference in the life of a person who is trying to change and become a contributing member in our community in a safe and positive way.

You are invited to attend an orientation session even if you are not sure whether this is for you.

This is a mutual decision between CoSA SS and you only after the orientation.

Learn from ...

"I have been

inspired to see the incredible

courage of the core member"

A new study by the University of Basel has concluded that older people who help and support others live longer than those who don't. Read the full article at

"We began

to develop


for each other"

You will ... 

Application Process

Application Form
Criminal Record Check

CoSA South Saskatchewan is always looking for volunteers who are interested in making a difference in people’s lives.  In the process, you will also make a difference in your own life.

You will ...


Gain Skills

Make a Difference

If you are interested in exploring an exciting volunteer opportunity, call Charles at 306-530-9678, or fill out this application form.

"Walking Together for Everyone's Well Being"

an Orientation

Learn by Doing

Info Sessions

"No one
does this alone"

  1. You will receive an orientation.
  2. You will be involved in learning while participating in a Circle. You will be part of a Circle which includes seasoned persons with Circle experience of 2+ years.
  3. You will have an opportunity to meet other volunteers in gatherings where a guest speaker will provide information on specialized topics.
  4. As we say “no one does this alone”. We also take this approach in our volunteer support.

Orientation and Continuing education